Youth plaza tokyo sports bunkakan b rhythmic gymnastics 青年广场东京体育文化馆b馆
Analyzing the common of aerobics and rhythmic gymnastics 健美操与艺术体操的共性分析
Innovation thoughts of rhythmic gymnastics coaches and cultivation 试论艺术体操教练员的创新思维及培养
On cultivation of students in rhythmic gymnastics major of sports training in p . e . institutes 我国艺术体操专业运动员腰部损伤的分析研究
Current situation on athletic level of rhythmic gymnastics in sichuan province and its countermeasures 四川省艺术体操竞技水平现状与发展对策研究
Research on main improving approaches and values of action skills of group movement of rhythmic gymnastics for chinese athletes 我国艺术体操运动员成套动作技术价值水平及提高途径研究
The group events of rhythmic gymnastics will be the key point to obtain more numbers of medals on 2008 olympic games 摘要艺术体操集体项目是我国2008年奥运会突破奖牌的一个重点项目。
Anna comes from the national ukranyan team of rhythmic gymnastics . she represented the team in many international championships and was awarded the gold medal of the german national championship -以柔软优美姿及动作俘虏万千观众的anna ,出身自乌克兰国家柔软体操队,更代表国家队参与多项国际赛事及于德国国际锦标赛夺冠。
In order to explore the gap in the art value field between our groups and others and find out solving methods , the authors analyse video data resources of top 3 groups in 10th national games and world championship with new scoring rule of international rhythmic gymnastics 文章采用最新国际艺术体操评分规则对十运会及世界艺术体操锦标赛集体项目前3名的比赛录像资料进行对比分析,研究我国运动水平与世界运动水平艺术价值上的差距及解决途径。
I explained that i did not do it because of his novels , since except for the chalet of the roses , which i had liked very much , what interested me about him were the audacity of his mind and his verbal talents , but only as a kind of rhythmic gymnastics for learning to write 我的理解:我提到他倒不是因为他的小说,除了很喜欢《玫瑰之屋》外,我最感兴趣的是他思想的大胆和语言上的才能, (不是这些东西本身有多了不起,而是说, )对学习写作来说,这是种(很有益的)节奏操练。